Of course we all know carnival. It's a celebration. But in Catholic countries, Carnaval is a week-long celebration ending just before Ash Wednesday and the subsequent commencement of Lent, a period of time when the eating of meat -- carne -- is prohibited. Hence, this is the last chance to eat meat for a long time.
It's party time.
The "Carnaval Ponceno" is among the oldest carnivals in the Western Hemisphere, dating back to the mid-19th century. Some say that the Carnaval de Ponce has its origins more than 250 years ago. Like the Mardi Gras of New Orleans and the carnivals of Venice and Rio de Janeiro, Ponce's carnaval is replete with color and costume.
It is a sight to behold.
Because of the earthquakes which hit Ponce harder than most other Puerto Rican communities in January of 2020, the celebration and parade were limited to just one day. Lucky for me, I was there.